The philosophies that guide our actions, inform how we make our day-to-day decisions, and provide a lens in how we view and interact with the world around us.


An intersectional and inclusive community that promotes movement, growth, and connection.

We want to inspire people to live with intention, be conscious of their impact on the environment, and to care for their mental and physical wellbeing. 


To be a place of community that welcomes all people to live and move mindfully.



We value the practice of respect for self, others, and our surroundings. We leverage the power of community to develop a deeper understanding of the world around us and a deeper understanding of ourselves. 


Our sense of balance comes from bringing elements of our lives and who we are into harmony. We create balance by combining the work we do on our mats into all aspects of our lives. 


Growth inspires our collective action towards change. We provide the space, tools, and guidance to grow  in a way that is meaningful to you. 


At the heart of HUM there is gratitude. Gratitude allows us to expand yoga into all elements of our lives, and how we continue living our practice beyond our mat. We are grateful for the opportunity to hold space for ourselves and each other. 


HUM is run by two experienced yoga teachers with over 1,000 hours of training in yoga and meditation and over 5,000 hours of teaching.

With backgrounds in education and social work, both women hold essential knowledge in accessibility and community building that supports the wellbeing and inclusion of all people.

By recognizing the obstacles that make health and wellness inaccessible, HUM is creating additional opportunities to access healthy life options, and resources. Our founders feel passionately about giving back to the community in which they live and practice. HUM will continue fostering community through outreach with local programs, neighboring businesses, schools, and communities.



KJ received her 500-Hour YTT Certification in Kelowna, BC in 2017 with the goal to own and operate a successful and sustainable studio in the Twin Cities. In the summer of 2018, with more curiosity surrounding her love of movement, and dance, she completed her 80-Hour Barre Certification, and 100-Hour Vinyasa Certification that has allowed her to expand both her knowledge, and teachings.

KJ has over 1,000 hours of training in yoga and meditation, and has taught over 3,000 classes. She is focused on building future programs and offerings that will support the growth and development of Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) dreamers, entrepreneurs, and creatives. 



Emma was first introduced to her first “official” yoga asana class in 2008. She was inspired by the ability to move her body in a way that felt at once familiar and brand new. Emma hopped around several studios around the Twin Cities and became certified in 2015, receiving her 500-Hour YTT Certification in Kelowna, BC. Emma continued to grow as a teacher, completing her 100-Hour Vinyasa Certification in 2018.

Emma has taught over 2,000 classes and continues to find this practice exciting and new. She loves to incorporate humor and humility into her classes. As a former special education teacher, Emma is skilled in providing a safe and comfortable place for anyone to practice yoga, regardless of their ability. She is thrilled to be a part of this new community!



“Om”, also spelled “Aum” is known as the sacred sound of the universe. The yogic mantra “So Hum” is derived from Sanskrit meaning "I am That". Here, “that” refers to all of creation, the one breathing us all. As we meditate on this or recite the mantra “So Hum”, we feel that we are all one, and that we are all connected: “Om So Hum”, “I am the universe.”


Another key element within our name is humanity. We believe in a world of abundance for all, and we want all people to see themselves being represented. This vision establishes a space that feels welcoming and inclusive for all. HUM plans to be a leader in cultivating a community that inspires positive change both in wellness and throughout the world.


The last component is the hummingbird. The symbolism of the hummingbird can be linked to the idea of eternity and infinity. Hummingbird wings rotate both forwards and backwards in a “figure eight” pattern which is unique among birds and gives the hummingbird incredible agility in the air. The flight of the hummingbird  reminds us to be resilient, adaptable, and to take changes in stride.